Bandits 9, Muskies 1
Well, wasn't that fun?
We are in a freefall, too inexperienced and simply unable to put it together. The other teams get better as the season progresses, but our growth chart seems to stay roughly flat. Each of our three losses has been to a team that entered the game with a worse record and came out with a better one. If these are the losing teams in the league, who needs the winners? And how did we manage to win that one game 7-6? If anyone can remember, let me know.
The thing is, we can't even get any shots on goal. We scuffle around like flailing monkeys, temporarily clearing the ball into the offensive zone, then watching it come right back. Scott, again with our only goal of the game, did it on a totally lucky shot from center ice that the goalie waved at weakly. But you know what? You know that giant mesh tent over there? At least he sent a ball vaguely in the direction of it!
We did this, what, three times? I don't know whether it's great to be Sean, because he gets a lot of save opportunities and racks up a nice percentage (for broomball), or whether it sucks to be Sean, because the experience is basically like being stoned by a gang of construction workers on meth. (This reminds me of the story of the the girl goalie from Cloquet who did nothing but get pelted all night, racking up a goddess-like .954 save percentage and losing 0-1 all the time, but always kept a good attitude.) I do know one thing: We pretty much don't deserve him.
Ah, but Dave's injured. But could Dave have single-handedly turned 5-1 and 10-1 losses into wins or at least ties? Now if anyone could do that, it's him, but I'm not sure our record would be any different if he were healthy right now.

Then the part that I feel pretty bad about in my recovering-Catholic way. I somehow fell prostrate against the boards, fighting for the ball against a Bandita. I finally cleared it after four hacks, and tried to get up. But she was standing in between my legs, so I half-consciously, half-clumsily took her down while getting up. I think there's a line between rough and dirty. Down 8-1 and pretty roughed up myself, I was trying to make something, anything happen, so I chose not to tiptoe around her. She didn't like that, so she whacked me in the shins, twice, drawing a penalty. What do you think, was I wrong? Go ahead and criticize me at will.
We've got one more game in the regular season, and it will be our greatest challenge yet: A team that is 0-5 as of last night. A real meeting of the minds. Let's have some fun, try to win a game and end the regular season on a note. Perhaps even a high note.
And thanks for playing with the Muskellunge. It's been worth it for me; hopefully also for you.
Sorry guys! It sounded rough out there. Maybe Dave can come next game and just watch to give us some pointers. I know that passing isn't our strong suit and that is a key function of the game so use those voices and HollA! at your teammate to let em know yer open. Anyway, it sounds like you played hard and had fun and that is great! Myself? I puked first at 10:30 (would have been midle of the game), and closed it out around 5:00 a.m. See you next week!
Jenny, if you had been at the game you would have vomited much sooner.
Crap, I just realized that I the comments were in "moderation" mode so they weren't showing up until I approved them. Sorry. See also's Brian's comment last week.
Yeah, I want to play defense for our regular-season finale on Monday. This week, I actually forgot I was on defense a couple times, but I'll get it straight.
Remember in Week 1: Jenny and Brian collaborated on our first goal of the season against the team that is currently in 1st place. That was with Jenny forward, a guy on defense and Dave and me off the ice.
It has been troubling to lose to teams that looked bad on paper. When we first got the schedule I said it might be "creampuff." But in reality, the teams we have played have a combined record of 11-8-1, not counting our games. So our schedule has so far been a bit harder than average. The Newmanators obviously started taking steroids or something this season, and don't forget that we had the 20th-place Wizards (currently 0-5) replaced by the third-place Rink Rats (4-1). So the real question is, can we rebound and beat a winless team next week?
In a 20-team division, there's going to be a huge range of skill levels. I don't know what other leagues might be easier. I hear the Minneapolis league is more hardcore, and other co-ed leagues require three girls, which we haven't had yet.
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