
Newmanators 5, Muskellunge 1

Ouch. Consider us Newmanated. Nothing really worked tonight. It is clear that we Muskies really have yet to find ourselves as a team without Dave. This performance made our 7-6 win last week look like a lot of dumb luck by comparison. This probably serves as some kind of lesson about going into a game overconfidently.

We started off telling each other that we wanted to improve on defense and limit the other guys' shots. But that doesn't explain how we lost 5-1 to a team that was 3-8 over the last 13 months. It doesn't explain how we have consistently given up an incredibly high average of 5.5 goals per game despite very good goaltending. It doesn't explain how three of our four opponents have had their best offensive games of the season against us. And it doesn't explain how we only managed one score of our own -- a season low.

Back to the drawing board...

Play of the game: Scott scored our sole goal by practically sliding into the crease. It was beautiful. We couldn't get any shots off in the conventional manner.

Dave of the Week: Eli was incredibly fast out there in his broomball debut. Somebody get this boy some D-Gels and hospitalization coverage, stat!


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